Meta 3.3 To Explain Core Concepts of testing

9:50 p.m.

“Activity 3”.

            It measures accurately what it is intended to measure such essentially theoretical construction whit reading ability, fluency speaking, control of grammar. 
*Content Validity: A test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample of the languages skill, structures, which it is meant to be concerned. This means that a test needs to have the content the students have seen in class. For example, the questions on the test must be relevant to the students learning, if students are from a basic level, if they encounter questions that are destined for a higher level, they would not understand them.
*Criterion-Related Validity: Here we have two kinds; the first one is concurrent validity, that is when the test and criterion are administered at the same time, there needs to; and predictive validity, that predicts the students’ performance, the predictable result of the test.
*Validity in scoring:
The test must measure what it is intended. For example, if we make students to read, we do not need to measure the grammar or punctuation. We have to meticulous on this part about what are we measuring because if not, at the end we will have problems with the validity of scoring the test.
*Face validity
: It refers to what the test is measuring. For example, if it says the students need to write a short paragraph, it needs to look like a writing test.

                        It depends on the students’ performance and the scoring. A test can apply to any person and time and get the same score. You might take in suggesting:
 Take enough samples of behavior. Exclude item which do not discriminate well between wear and stronger students. Do not allow candidates too much freedom. Write unambiguous items.  Ensure that test are well laid out and perfectly legible.  Make candidates familiar with format and testing techniques. Use items that permit scoring which is as objective as possible.
*Reliability coefficient: They allow us to compare the reliability of different tests that are applied under different circumstances.
*Score reliability: This means that if a test is applied once, it will get the same score if it is applied again. Although, sometimes this cannot work, because we have to consider the questions the test has. If you have the answers to them, like multiple choice questions, it can be objective, but if it is an open question, you as a teacher need to have your score reliability judgment.

Is about how the test is applied, it should not be too expensive or too long, and easy to explain to the students.

Backwash effect:

            Are effects that a test has on learning and testing. Part of the impact a test may have on learners and teacher, on educational systems in general, and on society at large.

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